What’s is going on with the Renewal space

Sukkat Shalom Renewal

What is Sukkat Shalom’s Renewal Area?

Birds, Butterflies and Bees!

The Sukkat Shalom Renewal area is designed to rekindle our bond with nature and support our native ecosystem. It will feature a meadow-like, self-sustaining garden filled with native plants that attract birds, butterflies, and other pollinators. The creation of this peaceful habitat will bring us closer to the wonders of nature and enhance pollination of the vegetable beds tended by adults and young people in our community. We believe this revitalized space will bring those who wander along its paths a sense of joy and connection.

Be on the lookout for bird and butterfly houses that we will be installing later this year!

Work in Progress


  • Finished digging and burying trench needed to divert runoff water. 
  • Used the “Lasagna Method” to cover an aggressive weed bank with biodegradable cardboard, then topping this with compost and mulch to smother them over the next year.  
  •  Tilled the bare field and seeded with a cover crop of buckwheat to suppress further weeds and act as a ground cover to retain moisture in the soil.
Renewal Area Location

2024-2025 PLANS

  • Fall/Winter:  Finalize the design of the renewal space as well as a list of the drought resistant plants and wildflowers that will be installed.
  • Begin any plantings needed in the fall months such as shrubs or conifers.
  • Early Spring: Clear area of debris and lightly till in preparation for planting.
  • Late Spring:
    • Mark out the areas as per landscape design.
    • Order furniture, bird houses and other items for installation.
    • Plant flowers and grasses and sow seeds.
  • Summer: Irrigate the area for the first season until plants are established.

Renewal Space Work in Process Update


TA-Renewal Poster