From September through early June, we hold minyanim on Monday through Thursday evenings at 7:30 pm, on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, and on Monday mornings at 7:00 am. These lay-led services offer the opportunity for daily worship and also allow mourners and those observing Yahrzeit to recite kaddish. Sign up for minyan here. Please check the online calendar to see if Sunday morning minyan is scheduled.
From early June through August, our Monday morning minyanim are held as usual, beginning at 7:00 am. Evening minyanim are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays only, beginning at 7:00 pm. Since sunset is later during the summer, we are able to daven both the brief Minchah (the last of the day) and Maariv (first of the next day) services on these evenings. Anyone needing to say kaddish on Tuesday may do so at Minchah that day, and those needing to say kaddish on Wednesday may do so a few minutes later during Maariv. Similarly, Thursday’s service affords those needing to say kaddish on Thursday or Friday an opportunity to do so.
Sunday morning minyanim are not held during the summer. Those requiring a minyan on a Sunday may contact the synagogue office for a list of neighboring congregations offering services.