Did You Know…?

Every so often we publicize fun facts, esoterica, factoids, trivia, whatever you’d like to call it, about Temple Aliyah. These are posted on our home page, announced on Shabbat at the end of services, included in our ComingUp@Aliyah email, and posted to this page.

Here are some of the “Did you know that” facts that have been posted recently:

  • …  that Temple Aliyah’s B’nai Mitzvah Tutor, Hazzan Linda Sue Sohn, had the honor of singing the Star Spangled Banner at Fenway Park on Mother’s day in 2009? And listed among his most exciting moments as a sports fan, Past President of Temple Aliyah David Farbman savors the memory of being at Fenway Park for Jon Lester’s no-hitter on May 19, 2008. And, if that’s not enough Jewish baseball trivia, Rabbi Gordon’s favorite way to unwind after a busy day is to watch the Red Sox. Why not share your favorite baseball moments today?
  • … that studies have shown that volunteering has positive implications that go beyond mental health? A growing body of evidence suggests that people who give their time to others might also be rewarded with better physical health—including lower blood pressure and a longer lifespan. ALIYAH ASSIST is TA’s online sign-up system that makes volunteering easy! Some are one-time tasks, while others are short-term or recurring. Pick one that fits your interests and contribute to both your and Temple Aliyah’s good health!
  • … that Cantor Linda Sue Sohn, Temple Aliyah’s B’nai Mitzvah Tutor, has been a contributor to the Torah Stitch by Stitch, a world-wide project the goal of which is to cross stitch by hand the five books of the Torah. Among her contributions to TSBS is Exodus 15:5-8, Parshat Beshalah. You can see a picture of her work here (popup window).
  • … in our Adult Ed programs, you can learn from a professional actor, a neuropyschologist or the great grandson of Sholom Aleichem right here at Temple Aliyah for free? They are among the 27 Adult Education lecturers offering a variety of learning opportunities at the synagogue. Find out more about Adult Ed at Temple Aliyah by visiting the Adult Ed page.
  • … in our vast community of professions here at TA, we have an Antique Dealer, a Yoga Instructor and a Septic Designer?  We are a wonderful and diverse community of people with many backgrounds and interests, so please introduce yourself to someone new at Kiddush, or ask someone you already know about their work or hobbies.
  • … all summer long we have been honored to have members of our congregation serve as guest darshanim, giving weekly divrei torah at our Shabbat services. Every dvar can be read and re-read on our web site, along with those from all prior guest speakers. Click here to see them.
  • … more than 30 adults at Temple Aliyah have participated in one of the five past Adult Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes? If you are interested in becoming an adult Bar or Bat Mitzvah, please contact Cantor Jamie Gloth.
  • … how many books are in the Rabbi’s Office library at the synagogue? If you guessed 1,223 you would be correct! What would you add to your own home library to round it out Jewishly? Here are some suggested books you might want to consider.
  • … on average Temple Aliyah collects 270 cans of soup and 340 boxes of raisins per year for Jewish Family & Children’s Service’s Family Table? Temple Aliyah is committed to 40 cans of soup and 40 boxes of raisins per month. Please continue to bring cans and boxes to the synagogue, as the need is great! JF&CS is always looking for drivers on distribution days. Here is a link for more information.
  • … there are 95 member families that have been members of Temple Aliyah for 25 years or more!
  • … the most popular adult first name of Temple Aliyah members is David? If you happen to be a Deb, Debra or Debby, you have the second most popular name. The Kehillah Committee wishes to encourage each of you to always introduce yourself to other members, no matter what your name is.
  • … when Temple Aliyah’s Hesed Committee puts out a call to help a congregant in need, almost 100 volunteers receive an email and are ready to help? If you are not receiving the email and would like to help too, please contact Sharon Katz or Nicole Rudolph.
  • … every month about $150 is collected in the minyan pushke (tzedakah box)? The funds are donated to TA’s Kesher/Israel Committee, Boston’s Yad Chessed fund supporting people in financial need, Jewish Family & Children’s Service, and other area Jewish charities.

Do you have a fun fact you think we’d like to publicize? Please email us at didyouknow@templealiyah.com.