
This year, all classes will meet in person on Sundays and Mondays.

To find a schedule that works for your child, please email Joan Perlman

“Snap Shot” of Mercaz Aliyah Curriculum by Grade

Teacher: Judi Cohen (K/1) and Illona Roll (2)

Assistant Teacher: Nic Sprenger

Hebrew through Movement Specialist: Caroline Nudelman (Mondays Only)

Judaics Highlights: Shabbat, Havdalah, Jewish Singing, Jewish Holidays and Values

Hebrew Highlights: Israel Geography, Hebrew Aleph-Bet, Hebrew Through Movement

Special Events: Sukkot Family Kabbalat Shabbat and Dinner, Tu B’shevat Seder, and Siddur Ceremony

Judaics Teacher: Cynthia (Sam) Frydman (3), Wilma Sack-Poyser (4/5)

Judaics Highlights: Shabbat Prayers (Friday Night and Saturday Morning), Bible Stories, Jewish Holidays, Jewish American History, Jewish World History, Family Roots Project 

Hebrew Teacher: Cyntha (Sam) Frydman (3) Wilma Sack-Poyser (4/5)

Hebrew Highlights: Hebrew Reading, Writing and Conversation, History of Establishment of the State of Israel

Special Events

Hebrew through Harmony Tefillah: Cantor Jamie Gloth

Special Events: Bar and Bat Mitzvah Institute and Shabbat Dinner

Holocaust Teacher: Wilma Sacks-Poyser

Holocaust Class Highlights: Jewish identity, group hate, antisemitism, heroes’ stories, and the impact of the Holocaust today 

Mitzvah Class and Jewish Heroes and Values Teacher: Judy Corwin

Mitzvah Class Highlights: Field trips, speakers, experiential programming and project based learning to understand the concepts of mitzvot and Jewish values in our lives