Today is February 9, 2025 ()
Temple Aliyah Men’s Club supports the temple community in a variety of ways through programming and events throughout the year. It is also a great way to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones. We are a participating member of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. The Men’s Club encourages your support and involvement and wants to hear from you.
Sunday Morning Bagels & Coffee
The Men’s Club is proud to sponsor bagels on Sunday mornings in the main lobby when there is an event in the building such as Coffee and News from Israel. Be sure to check ComingUp and the TA calendar for these events. Even if you are not attending the event, we encourage parents dropping off their children for Religious School, minyan attendees and anyone else looking for a nosh and a schmooze to join us!
Sunday Morning Breakfasts
Breakfasts sponsored and prepared by the Men’s Club, which are highlighted by a featured speaker. Our latest speaker was Mike Tannenbaum, son of TA members and former General Manager of the New York Jets football team.
Annual Dinner
A casual and fun evening for new and existing members and guests, generally with a sports themed speaker and a great deli buffet dinner. Past guest speakers include Tommy Heinsohn, former Celtics player and current color commentator and Mike Millbury, former Boston Bruin and current hockey analyst for NBC Sports.
Men’s Club Shabbat
The annual Shabbat morning service led entirely by Men’s Club members. A featured speaker discussing relevant topics is an integral part of this event.
Men’s Club Softball
Every Sunday morning at 9:30 at Claxton Field beginning the last Sunday in April and continuing through Labor Day. This is a weekly pick up, everyone plays, and is a lot of fun. Contact Bob Brown for more information.
Yom Hashoah Yellow Candle Program
The Yellow Candle™ was conceived in 1981 by members of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs to help keep alive the memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. Men’s Club members and their children package and distribute the candles as both a reminder and a fundraiser.
For questions or to learn more about the Men’s Club, please contact Howard Kaufman.